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Joe Scarborough: Dana Bash and Jake Tapper Will Be ‘Tough to Both Sides’ During CNN Debate

“I think those two tonight are going to have the ability to not only ask the tough, fair question but more importantly the follow-up…”

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A photo of Joe Scarborough
(Credit: MSNBC)

As Dana Bash and Jake Tapper prepare to host the CNN presidential debate Thursday, many have lobbied harsh criticism against them. However, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough has come to their defense.

During Morning Joe Thursday, the longtime MSNBC host — alongside co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Willie Geist — discussed the 90-minute debate, while claiming that critics should have no fear about the job Bash and Tapper will do.

“I don’t think that Jake Tapper and Dana Bash are planning to be hostile. I think they want a fair debate,” Brzezinski said.

“Well, they’ll be tough to both sides,” replied Joe Scarborough.

Brzezinski replied by stating that the “hostility” is most like to come from former President Donald Trump toward the moderators, and not the other way around.

“I’m sure that they will be elegant and fair and try their best to ask Donald Trump — and this is his worst nightmare — basic questions,” she added.

“I think those two tonight are going to have the ability to not only ask the tough, fair question but more importantly the follow-up that has to be asked,” Scarborough said.

Geist went as far as to argue that Dana Bash and Jake Tapper are supremely qualified for the position.

“Jake Tapper and Dana Bash are two of the best we have in our business,” he shared before opining on the debate format. “It’s the kind of debate you typically see — and I say this as a compliment, as a good thing on a local level — on your local news affiliate, where the candidates come into the studio. They sit there with no crowd. It’s not a rally, it’s not a rah-rah event, and they just have to answer the questions … It’s going to be fascinating to watch that just sort of the mechanical dynamic of how this plays out tonight.”

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News Television

CNN Presidential Debate Highest Rated Program in Network History

Nearly 48 million viewers tuned in to watch former President Trump (R) debate President Joe Biden (D) from the CNN Atlanta studios.

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A photo of the debate stage at CNN's Atlanta studio
(Photo: CNN)

CNN hosted the first 2024 presidential debate Thursday evening, and the network has reason to celebrate.

Nearly 48 million viewers tuned in to watch former President Trump (R) debate President Joe Biden (D) from the CNN Atlanta studios.

The event moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash was the highest-rated event in CNN history. Additionally, the 90-minute debate was the most-watched non-sports television program of 2024 thus far.

The 47.9 million viewers is a combination — according to Nielsen — of viewers watching on CNN, MSNBC, NewsNation, Newsmax, and Fox News, as well as ABC, PBS, FOX, Scripps News, and Spectrum News.

According to Nielsen, just over 9 million watched between CNN, HLN, and CNN Espanol. an additional 8.8 million watched on Fox News, with 3.4 million watching on the FOX broadcast network and an additional 372,000 viewing the debate on Fox Business Network. 8.7 million viewed the event on ABC. Meanwhile, MSNBC saw an average audience of 3.97 million.

An additional 30 million views were seen as CNN simulcast the debate on YouTube. The event was also the largest audience on record for CNN Max, the network’s streaming home inside the Max streaming platform.

According to a post on social media from FOX President for Insights & Analytics Michael Mulvihill, West Palm Beach — the current home of President Donald Trump — was the highest-rated market Thursday.

Pittsburgh, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Orlando, Philadelphia, Hartford, Milwaukee, New York, and Detroit were the other top 10 markets.

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Brian Stelter: ‘I’m Not Concerned About the Integrity’ of Cable News Channels During 2024 Election

“At its best, there’s nothing like it.”

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A photo of Brian Stelter
(Photo: CNN)

Cable news is riding high Friday after near-universal praise for CNN and its production of the first presidential debate. Former CNN host Brian Stelter isn’t surprised by the praise.

In an interview with TVNewser, which Stelter founded 20 years ago, he was asked about how cable news channels have covered the 2024 election thus far. He had no reservations about the way the race for the White House between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden has been covered.

“I have concerns about the election as many others do. But you know what I’m not concerned about? I’m not concerned about the integrity of the networks,” Stelter said. “They are going to report the truth about the election result, even if they can’t control what comes next. That’s why I love their craft so much.

“At its worst, TV news is incredibly damaging; it’s capable of stoking fear, confusing people and spreading hate. But at its best, there’s nothing like it. TV news has the ability to connect and reassure people and allow them to form incredible personal connections to anchors and reporters.”

Stelter added that he believes in the future of cable news because of it’s ability to reach millions.

“I’m hopeful about the future of TV news is that it has the capacity to connect the country and connect the world like no other medium,” he concluded.

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Sean Hannity: Jake Tapper and Dana Bash We’re Much Better Than I Expected During CNN Debate

“They put aside their prejudice, their hatred towards Donald Trump for the night, and they actually asked questions and waited for answers.”

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A photo of Sean Hannity
(Photo: Fox News)

Fox News host Sean Hannity has never been shy in his disdain for CNN anchor Jake Tapper. However, he couldn’t deny that Tapper and Dana Bash were good debate moderators.

During the post-debate coverage on Fox News, Hannity gave Tapper and Bash credit, with a backhanded compliment in the process.

“In fairness to fake news CNN, Fake Jake, and Fake Dana, they put aside their prejudice, their hatred towards Donald Trump for the night, and they actually asked questions and waited for answers,” said Hannity. “I thought they managed the debate fairly well, something I didn’t expect, considering we’ve been playing the tape of them trashing Donald Trump for many years. So — I guess — credit for one night.”

Many in the news media gave props to Tapper and Bash for their performances Thursday evening. The pair received heavy criticism for their previous coverage of former President Donald Trump in the days and weeks leading up to Thursday’s debate.

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